
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tea + Health

All health benefit information on Teapreneur is based on numerous scientific studies of tea. For more information, please visit

Tea & Health
Tea isn't only a drink that can help affect your mood; it is an antioxidant packed cup of steamy goodness for your health! Teas have a multitude of health benefits, including:

Liver protection
Weight loss
Anti inflammatory / anti arthritis
Helps fight cancer & heart disease
Protects teeth & strengthens bones
Improved digestion
May alleviate some affects of food poisoning
Promotes youth and vitality
Strengthens the immune system
May prevent cellular damage, cardiovascular disease, skin disease and UV induced DNA damage.
As if that weren't enough to make you run to the cupboard to grab your favorite tea cup, did you know that drinking as little as five cups a day may actually aid in keeping certain types of cancer at bay?

Tips on Removing the Caffeine from Quality Tea
Approximately 50% of the caffeine in tea is released during the first 2 minutes of steeping, therefore to remove some of the caffeine from any tea simply:
Pour boiling water over the tea leaves
Allow the leaves to steep for 2 minutes
Pour out the brew, saving the steeped leaves
Re-steep the same leaves with more boiling water for the recommended steeping times.

Tea Steeping Instructions
Did you know that not all teas require water at boiling point?
Preparing a cup of tea makes a world of difference to the taste. Follow our simple steeping instructions for each tea and experience the difference!
Go ahead, make a cup and enjoy knowing that you're doing something good for yourself. Here's to your health!

The Whole Leaf Tea Value
Where else can you find a luxury that allows you to step back from the world and gain a fresh new outlook on life while also improving your health... for as little as a quarter? That's right. Whole or loose leaf teas are one of the best values to be found. One ounce will make 10-15 6-ounce cups of tea, depending on how strong you like it. Yield can vary as some teas are light while others are more dense, but whole leaf teas are clearly one of the best values to be found.

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